We have given a name to the best Technology for Boating

The best Technology for Boating

We have given a name to the best Technology for Boating

We have given a name to the best Technology for Boating 1600 1165 XENTA

XENTA was born in 2004 with a simple but revolutionary idea: using a joystick, the easiest and most intuitive man-machine interface, to make maneuvering a yacht easy, bringing large boat operation within everyone’s reach.

Since then, the company has grown in all directions and today, thanks to a constant investment in research and development of new technologies, it is able to offer shipyards and shipowners an articulated line of products that mark the state of the art in terms of yacht controls.  Integrated steering systems-intelligent steering systems-joysticks for maneuvering and steering-electronic throttles for engine control, actuation systems for rudder control, thruster and trim tab systems to optimize trim. All this is available for any type of unit, sail or power, be it a boat, a yacht or superyacht.

With the growth of the XENTA and in expectation of a further expansion, the need has arisen to give a proper name to each system product, which immediately identifies its features and functionality, to provide maximum clarity to the market in the pre and post sales phases. Here below is the list of official XENTA products.

X-DOCK – It’s the XENTA Joystick offers you the possibility to perform complex maneuvers easily and with maximum precision.

X-POWER – These are XENTA’s electronic throttles, the perfect balance between a robust, ergonomic design and an easy-to-use control system.

X-STEER – It’s the XENTA Helm by Wire steering system that gives you a superior feel for steering the boat.

X-TAB – This is the flap system created by XENTA to correct the trim of planing motoryachts.

X-DP – This is the Dynamic Positioning or XENTA system capable of keeping the boat steady and with the bow always oriented with the same compass degrees, without having to drop anchor.

X-SIDE – This is XENTA’s thruster control system, essential for facilitating maneuvering in confined water.

X-AID – XENTA Adaptive Integrated Docking, available in combination with X-DOCK, is the adaptive system that, during maneuvers, autonomously reacts to possible disturbances due to wind and current, cancelling them, and intervenes on the boat’s buoyancy to control its stop.

X-SELF* – Requested in combination with X-DOCK and X-AID, X-SELF is the “autonomous boat 4.0” system: the boat of the future that moors on its own, “intelligent”, able to act autonomously on the steering organs, leaving the captain to intervene, if and when he deems it necessary, to modify the maneuver.
* Available for limited customers

X-I2XENTA Integrated Intelligence is the central unit responsible for the operation of XENTA systems, ensuring their total integration with each other and with the on-board instrumentation of each boat.