XENTA Control Systems aboard the Pershing 8X – the “Wow Boat”

XENTA Control Systems aboard the Pershing 8X – the “Wow Boat”

XENTA Control Systems aboard the Pershing 8X – the “Wow Boat” 1024 768 XENTA

The recent Dusseldorf Boot, the first big boat show of 2019, saw the debut of the Pershing 8X, one of the most visited craft during the event, which was also dubbed the Show’s “Wow Boat” due to its premium spec. A genuinely dazzling 24-metre.

One of the signature features that brilliantly underscores the stunning quality of the Pershing 8X is the presence aboard of XENTA’s Integrated Control Systems: a twin steering position with the Tactile version of the Helm by Wire system (one interior and the other on the spacious fly), two Electronic Throttles and two Joysticks. The Pershing 8X is powered by twin 2435 hp MTU engines coupled with TopSystem surface drives. Thanks to XENTA’s advanced technology, the system integrates propulsion control with the maneuvering and navigation systems. The Joystick delivers optimal maneuverability in ports and tight water, using the surface drives. Flanking these is the Dynamic Positioning System which allows the boat to hold its position even in high winds or strong currents: the optimal solution when preparing to moor or waiting to refuel or for a bridge to raise.

Just as Ferretti Group member Pershing Yachts is the go-to for all motoryacht owners looking for superior speed and performance melded with instantly recognizable, sporty design, XENTA has set the benchmark for Integrated Control systems in the nautical sector. Over the last 15 years, around 4,000 owners have chosen its technology for their motoryachts: efficient and reliable, XENTA’s Helm By Wire steering, Electronic Throttle and Joystick systems can be installed aboard craft with any kind of propulsion. Aside from the aforementioned surface drives, XENTA also supplies integrated control systems for line shafts, water jets and Pods, guaranteeing helmsmen superior feedback and control.